Today (March 1), councils in the Bristol region will be offering secondary school places to children for those starting Year 7 in September 2023. It follows an application process where parents picked out their preferences.
Parents now have until March 15 to accept the place, or appeal against the decision. An appeal would go before an independent panel where the council will be asked to explain why the first preference was not successful.
Schools across the region have been inspected by Ofsted, which gives an indication of the level of teaching provided. Out of the 33 inspected, most (28) are good, while three are outstanding and two require improvement.
Here’s the 33 schools, listed from A to Z:

9. Bristol Free School, Westbury-on-Trym - Good
Rated in March, the school went from ‘requires improvement’ to ‘good. ‘Leaders know where learning gaps have developed as a result of the pandemic and have adapted the curriculum accordingly,’ the report said. | Google

10. Bristol Metropolitan Academy - Good
Bristol Metropolitan Academy was most recently inspected on March 22, 2022. Ofsted maintained that it operated at a Good level and, in its report, determined that ‘ Leaders provide tailored careers guidance which helps pupils to decide their next steps. Pupils understand what they need to achieve to access further education, apprenticeships and work.' | Google

11. Bristol Cathedral Choir School - Outstanding
Bristol Cathedral Choir School was most recently inspected during September 2021 when it maintained its Outstanding mark by Ofsted. The report highlighted that ‘Pupils enjoy attending Bristol Cathedral Choir School. There is a deep sense of community. Pupils enjoy strong friendships with each other and have positive relationships with adults. Most pupils are confident that if bullying occurs staff deal with it well. Pupils are respectful and are interested in the world around them, particularly in social justice and climate change. ‘ | Google

12. The City Academy, Redfield - Good
Ofsted rated The City Academy as a Good school in April 2019. In its report, inspectors noted that ‘Pupils make good progress in all year groups. This is especially the case in English and mathematics.' | Google