Today (March 1), councils in the Bristol region will be offering secondary school places to children for those starting Year 7 in September 2023. It follows an application process where parents picked out their preferences.
Parents now have until March 15 to accept the place, or appeal against the decision. An appeal would go before an independent panel where the council will be asked to explain why the first preference was not successful.
Schools across the region have been inspected by Ofsted, which gives an indication of the level of teaching provided. Out of the 33 inspected, most (28) are good, while three are outstanding and two require improvement.
Here’s the 33 schools, listed from A to Z:

1. 33 schools in the Bristol region have been rated by Ofsted
33 schools in the Bristol region have been rated by Ofsted | BristolWorld

2. Abbeywood Community School, Stoke Gifford - Good
Last rated in 2019, Abbeywood Community School was told by inspectors that its leaders were ambitious to provide high-quality education to all pupils. It continued: "The values of the school are clear and underpin the school’s management decisions.” | Google

3. Ashton Park School, Bower Ashton - Good
Ashton Park School was rated as Good by Ofsted on January 16 following an inspection on December 8. The report stated: “Pupils are happy to attend Ashton Park School. They enjoy their lessons and the range of opportunities the school provides for them. Staff know pupils well and want the best for them. Parents agree that their children enjoy attending and are safe and happy at school." | Google

4. Bedminster Down School - Good
Bedminster Down School was scored Good by Ofsted in June 2013. Another short inspection was conducted in October 2017 which maintained this rating. This report stated that the school provided ‘ strong and confident leadership and a clear sense of direction and ambition'. | Google