13 pictures showing life in the south Bristol suburb with just one pub

It’s a place with a tight-knit community

Thought up post-war, Hartcliffe was an ambitious building project with more than 3,000 homes, four schools, three churches, six pubs and a community centre.

And, okay, the plans were slightly downgraded due to funding issues (four instead of six pubs, for example), the council home-dominated estate did provide the answer to the city’s bulging boundaries.

However, as the decades have rolled by, it, like other places such as Southmead, has suffered neglect due to a lack of ongoing investment; from transport to youth provision to leisure facilities.

Yet despite its well publicised antisocial behaviour issues, the area does boast a strong community where people look out for one another - and there are still hubs where people can meet.

There’s also some new developments, such as the building of new rugby pitches and a clubhouses in Fulford Road.

Here are 13 pictures from a walk-around Hartcliffe: