Football Manager is a popular sports game that has gone through various guises but has been around for 30 years. It started as Championship Manager and later became what we know it today as FM, with players from across the world living the dream in the virtual reality world.
Countless hours are put into the simulation game which tries to be as accurate to real life as it possibly can be. The database has been built by contributors who go out and watch the games of their respective clubs or countries.
As a result of its large database, the simulation game has been used as a tool for real life situations. It is a game that has oftenly accurately predicted the rise of young stars for Erling Haaland. For every Haaland, there is also a Freddy Adu however, who failed to live up to the heights of his digital self. The game still has praise from high places however with former Manchester United manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer crediting the game for helping him transfer from a player to a manager.
The latest installment Football Manager 2023 is available on Mac/PC right now in its Beta version, with feedback greatly appreciated from Sports Interactive, before its full release on November 8. The game will also be available on next generation consoles the Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X, as well as a condensed version on the Nintendo Switch.
For gamers who play the game, they may take over their beloved club and in this case it would be Bristol Rovers. Gas fans have their own opinions on how the team should line up and who should go and so applying that to a simulation can bring up some interesting results.
As well as thinking of the matchday side of things, signing new players and renewing contracts is also an element of management. Bristol Rovers have several players out of contract in the summer.
Here, we take a look at Football Manager 2023’s estimated weekly wage for EVERY first-team Bristol Rovers player (please note that per-week wages provided by the game may not be true to life).