Conditions couldn’t have been more perfect for the first mass ascent of the Bristol International Balloon Fiesta this morning (Friday, August 12).
More than 60 brightly coloured balloons took off from the Ashton Court Estate around 6am before flying over the city.
People all over the city were delighted to see the balloons return after the festival had to be cancelled over the past two years due to the pandemic.
Yesterday’s mass ascent had to be cancelled due to unpredictable winds, though the Nightglow went ahead as planned.

1. Lift off
Dozens of colourful balloons left the ground at Ashton Court Estate this morning ,as the Bristol International Balloon Fiesta returned after a two year hiatus. | SWNS

2. Early risers
The balloons took off just after 6am and looked incredible against the clear blue sky as they flew over the city. | SWNS

3. Mass ascent
63 hot air balloons took to the skies in total, leaving in stages. | SWNS Photo: Mass ascent

4. Nightglow
Thursday’s mass ascent had to be cancelled by organisers due to unpredictable winds, but the first ‘nightglow’ went ahead as planned. | Tom Wren SWNS