While perusing the streets of Bristol you may have raised an eyebrow at a few of the place names dotted around the place.
From Cock Road to Cheese Lane, some street names can make you blush while others might leave you wondering how they got their title. Every quirky name is another thread woven into the fabric of what makes Bristol, well, Bristol.
A city that celebrates the weird, the rude and the unconventional - to say the least. We’ve put together 10 streets with peculiar names, for some we were able to provide an origin for the name and others we hope you can help us with.

5. Pitch and Pay Lane, Stoke Bishop
This narrow residential lane could refer to past villagers who would ‘pitch’ produce in the area’s market and others would throw coins in payment. | Google

6. Belland Drive, Whitchurch
According to Veronica Smith’s 2001 book on Bristol street name origins, the second Abbot of St Augustine’s Abbey, now known as Bristol Cathedral, was appointed to Belland Abbey in Yorkshire. It then gives its name to this street. | Google

7. Zed Alley, city centre

8. Cock Road,
Historically, a ‘cock-road’ referred to a clearing in a wood where nets were stretched out to catch woodcock and other game birds. | Google