Nine famous faces who are from south west Bristol including Portishead and Clevedon

Here we take a look at the well-known people who grew up alongside us

Dozens of people from the Bristol region continue to inspire us having made it to greater things - from sports stars to actors on the movie screen to comedians. And you hope that they still hold part of where they grew up or lived within them no matter the level of fame achieved.

The south west of the Bristol region has some of the best schools and community and sports clubs in the country, so maybe it really shouldn’t be such a surprise to see the number of faces featured below in this article (although not every one of them went to school here).

This feature follows previous articles we’ve done looking at famous people from north west Bristol and Thornbury, south Bristol and Keynsham, east Bristol and Yate and Weston-super-Mare. As always, if you think we’ve missed a name, or two, just email us at [email protected]