A neighbourhood in Bristol recorded a median property price of below £200,000 making it almost £50,000 cheaper to buy a home compared to the rest of the city.
Average house prices vary dramatically across the different neighbourhoods of [area], according to new figures published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). But, which part of Bristol has the most affordable homes?
The figures are based on ONS analysis of HM Land Registry data on prices paid for properties in the year to September 2022 - BristolWorld previously published a list of the 10 cheapest neighbourhoods based on 2021 data and the latest list has three new arrivals.
The newest data also shows the median property prices in Bristol’s cheapest neighbourhood, Hartcliffe, continued to drop, falling below £200,000 in price. How do property prices compare in the rest of Bristol? Below we reveal the 10 cheapest neighbourhoods to buy a property.

1. Hartcliffe - £195,250
The Bristol neighbourhood with the cheapest median property price according to data released by the ONS was Hartcliffe. The median price paid for a property in this area was £195,250 - down from £225,000 in June 2022. | Google

2. Temple Meads - £240,000
The Bristol neighbourhood with the second cheapest property prices is Temple Meads. The median price paid for a property in this area was £240,000 - up from £230,000 in June 2022. | Google

3. Withywood - £245,000
The Bristol neighbourhood with the third cheapest property prices is Withywood. The median price paid for a property in this area was £245,000 - up from £240,000 in June 2022. | Google

4. Knowle West - £245,950
The Bristol neighbourhood with the fourth cheapest property prices is Knowle West. The median price paid for a property in this area was £245,950 - up from £240,000 in June 2022. | Mark Taylor